She-Hulk #5

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Ronald Wimberly Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 11, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 13
7.6Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

• She-Hulk & Hellcat must uncover the secrets of the Blue File - a conspiracy that touches the entire Marvel Universe!
•  This new mystery brings us She-Hulk's most terrifying role ever: DEFENDANT!
•  Charles Soule (THUNDERBOLTS) and Ron Wemberly (MIGHTY AVENGERS) continue the smash hit of All-New Marvel Now!

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Jun 11, 2014

    We all have secrets, but for the most part, none of our secrets are aiming to murder us. She-Hulk #5 is a great book in a lot of ways. It's a very well-written and beautifully drawn book, but even more then these reasons, it is a book that seems committed to raising the quality of its storytelling every month. Charles Soule every month delivers an engaging story that raises the scale of She-Hulk's life little by little, expertly blending the mundane activities of a lawyer with superhero derring-do. Marvel has really tapped into something with their solo title line and She-Hulk is a shining example of what a solo title is capable of. It has a compelling lead, a fun, interesting ensemble cast built around the lead, and it isn't happy with just telling small stories. This is Jen Walters' world. We just get to happily live in it. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Fanboys Inc - Lindsey Bass Jun 12, 2014

    I'm a sucker for comic books that have strong female protagonists. Well, strong personalities. It's just a coincidence that Jennifer Walters is strong in a physical sense as well. Even if you haven't read the previous issues, I would recommend that you pick them up. I even plan on showing this book to my mom. Maybe she'll understand my love of comics a little more after reading She-Hulk. If not, she'll just smile and call me a nerd as she often does, as a term of endearment. Soule left us with a cliff-hanger at the end of this book that has me impatiently waiting for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book City Podcast - Mitchell Jun 12, 2014

    Overall, this book was entertaining and continues the same quality we have seen in previous issues. If you haven't try to catch up and jump on. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Jun 12, 2014

    Charles Soule is back presenting another fun and funny issue of She-Hulk. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Jun 18, 2014

    The art leaves a little to be desired, but the plot thickens considerably in spite of it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Lilith Wood Jun 16, 2014

    Readers loyal to Pulido might be put off by Wimberly's fill-in issue, but it is simply too exciting to look at and too important to the story's over-all development to miss. Enjoy it as an island unto itself and join me in regarding this series as an on-going experiment. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jun 13, 2014

    She-Hulk #5 is a great comic with a really engaging story that is hampered by artwork that takes you more out of the book than it truly immerses you in it. The writing is enough to warrant reading the book, but prepare for some very oddball artwork that might not appeal to all. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Lindsey Morris Jun 13, 2014

    Continuing to walk the walk and talk the talk, She-Hulk reminds us that she is the real deal. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Jun 16, 2014

    As a whole, Wimberly and Renzi's doesn't yet feel as strong or as Pulido and Vicente's work, but it's only their first issue on the title and the high points are promising. "She-Hulk" continues to be a great take on Jennifer Walters and her calling as both lawyer and superhero. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon Jun 14, 2014

    Soules script is sharper than the art, but doesnt hit the heights hes capable of. She-Hulk and the Shocker spend the afternoon preparing for a mysterious case no one seems to remember. It feels like a scene out of Superior Foes of Spider-man, which is always a good thing. Angie and Hei-Heis sub-plot continue to gleefully creep me out, and the cliffhanger is a good laugh. The story derails itself when Tigra announces to Hellcat that shes a sexy independent cat-woman in a way nobody actually talks, and I had to put the book down for a second before continuing. She-Hulk #5 breaks Soules winning streak, but Im ready to come back next month. Deep down its still the book I long for. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 21, 2014

    Pulido's style doesn't work for me here, particularly in the big fight between Hellcat and Tigra, but the issue does provide a few fun such as the Shocker's misconception about just how many Thors there are in the Marvel Universe. For fans. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 16, 2014

    Soule delivers on the promise of mystery, and there is some nice character stuff going on here (Tigra actually references She-Hulk's short-lived Liberators team from the gawdawful early issues of Red Hulk, which is the most character development she's had since Avengers: The Initiative, it seems). All in all, the strength of that story makes the art problems even more of a shame, leaving me wondering what this might have looked like under the pen of the regular team. She-Hulk #5 is the rare comic where one half of the story/art equation can keep the whole thing afloat, but still can't overcome the weaknesses of the artist. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    the green death Jun 12, 2014

    Another great issue. The art was a little Aeon Flux which was an interesting angle to take.

  • 8.0
    Jedi8187 Jun 12, 2014

    This series is always fun. The art had some really wonky angles that were jarring, but was generally good. A lot happens in the issue, but nothing seems rushed, and the issue leaves me wanting to know where this is all going.

  • 2.0
    ComicSniper Jul 13, 2014

    I'm cutting bait here. Despite the build-up to the Blue File mystery that has slowly evolved over the past five issues, any interest I'd have in that file is extinguished by my total lack of interest in the characters. This is a major disappointment, because I think the American zeitgeist is aligned for She-Hulk to really break out, and I had high hopes for Soule's run.

    I'm not going to review scene-by-scene as in my other She-Hulk reviews. The only comment I'll make on any specifics of the issue is Jennifer's encounter with Shocker. I suspect Soule is trying to do something with Marvel villains and Jennifer's relationships with them. Her first case involved the widow of a villain, her next client was Victor Von Doom's son, more

  • 9.5
    Kaleavland Jun 12, 2014

  • 8.5
    Khan/Murdock Nov 7, 2021

  • 8.5
    Ryan Jan 12, 2019

  • 8.5
    arrogantdesperado Aug 25, 2018

  • 8.5
    LeandroMDuarte Jul 7, 2014

  • 8.5
    eVanDiesel Jul 6, 2014

  • 8.0
    Sidowski Mar 17, 2023

  • 8.0
    mrDovydas Jun 24, 2014

  • 7.5
    Rico Jul 2, 2014

  • 7.5
    Demarcoa Jun 15, 2014

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