Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu #1
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Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu #1

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Kody Chamberlain Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 30, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
6.9Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 30, 2009

    With 48 pages of story and no ads (apart from a single fake one), Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu #1 is one of those rare books that fully justifies its $4 price tag. I would have liked to see some level of contribution from classic Shang-Chi writers, but that's a minor complaint. Easily the most pleasant surprise of the week, I find myself wondering what could be done with a more long-term Shang-Chi project in the future. With the right creative team behind him, this hero could experience a resurgence every bit as big as Iron Fist's. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Tony Rakittke Oct 6, 2009

    I was honestly surprised with how much I liked this book, and would love to see Marvel use this format more often to dust off some of their forgotten heroes. Can't go wrong with 48 pages of kung-fu goodness. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 1, 2009

    As one-shots go, this one is quite good, establishing a character who hasn't really been front and center in the Marvel pantheon of late, giving him a nice comedy bit with Deadpool, some super dramatic moments, a continuity tie-in from the old series, and even a fake ad for the "Fat Tiger Fighting Academy." If there's any problem with the book, it's that it is targeting those who are already fans of Shang and the Deadly Hands days, which may lead to some accessibility problems in the world of Wolverine and Bucky-Cap. Still, the presence of Deadpool might bring some new kids on board, and the basic character structure of the Master of Kung Fu is still a sound one. There's a wide range of art styles on display here, some more successful that others, and the stories each have a little something interesting going on. The weakness of the anthology is also in effect, though, giving each story it's own little weakness as well (the art on the M'nai story, for one, the fact that the clever subt Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Oct 6, 2009

    At $3.99 for 48 pages of story, it's certainly a rare bargain, and if Marvel wanted to extend the black and white anthology format to other characters, I can imagine it performing well. Standard anthology rules apply, but the issue is more good than not, and that, combined with the fact that the issue offers something unique in Marvel's output, means that it's well worth supporting. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 6, 2009

    As a fan of the character, I'm glad to see him appearing in a new comic. I just wish it were a better comic. (And why is he wearing tennis shoes on the cover?) Read Full Review

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