There's a new criminal mastermind in the galaxy, and it's...ROCKET RACCOON?! How did this happen? SERIOUSLY, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN, YOU GUYS??? Groot knows, but he's not talking! Well, he is talking, but all he's saying is...oh, you know. Diabolical danger, madcap mysteries and astonishing adventure abound as SKOTTIE YOUNG and FILIPE ANDRADE return to tell tall tail tales of Rocket Raccoon, now with the adorable, arboreal Groot along for the ride! If you love adventure, animals, outer space and just about anything in between, this is the book for you!
Young writes a nice, tight issue and sets up a mystery that will be fun to tag along with. His dialogue is snappy, and suits the tone of the characters. My only small gripewashow the rest of the Guardians react to the deaths of Rocket and Groot. I've never known Flash Thompson or Ben Grimm to be flippant about death and it rang a bit hollowwith me. However, I was able to shake that early misstep off as the story moved away from the Guardians and into an exciting adventure. Fora first issue, ROCKET RACCOON AND GROOT #1is a strong start where (almost) everything comes together. Read Full Review
I can’t wait for the rest of this series. So far, we have some really good plot twists (already!), two new characters, confusion, humor, and so much more. If you’re into the Guardians, this is a must-read for you! Read Full Review
Going into this series, I had no idea what story would await me. Even in the first few panels I was taken aback, fully realizing this wasnt the type of Rocket and Groot story I had been used to. While its not my typical comic book story, Rocket Raccoon And Groot #1 raises a lot of interesting questions, particularly about life for this interstellar duo since the end of Secret Wars. I like that Skottie Young is exploring a more bleak story because talking tree and raccoon can very easily fall down the funny cutesy hole, though this was assuredly done well in last years Groot series. What I hope for as the series progresses is a story that explores Rocket and Groots friendship and its tests and limitations. There have been some great moments between those two characters to point to an important sentimentality, so I want to see what Young does with this relationship. Read Full Review
This new series may not feel terribly "all-new" or "all-different," but it features a proven creative team exploring the continued misadventures of Rocket and Groot. It's tough to go wrong with that. Unlike some Guardians comics, this series quickly finds its niche and promises interesting wrinkles to come for both characters. Read Full Review
It's not a perfect first issue, but I get the feeling that this book wasn't meant to feel all-new, all-different but more of a, hey, these characters are going to be together now, kthxbye. Read Full Review
Its possible that event and relaunch fatigue are negatively impacting Rocket Raccoon and Groot,but as stated, there have plenty of other All-New All-Different Marvel titles that one could read without ever even thinking about their impending cancellation and restart. Superhero comics are primarily escapism after all and when theyre done well that escapism can extend to the realities of the books publishing along with lifes various other problems. Rocket Raccoon and Groot just isnt very good escapism; it cant escape the realities of being a filler comic on Marvels release balance sheet and it really doesnt escape being a filler comic in its own series. Read Full Review
For a comic entitled Rocket Raccoon and Groot issue #1 doesn't offer much of our title characters. Instead we get a surreal journey of cute in-jokes (“Me Are Shrub” indeed) and long set-up that never pays off. Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review