Punisher War Journal #3

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Ariel Olivetti Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 24, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
6.2Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Civil War tie-in
The Punisher. Captain America. Uneasy allies in even the best of times, now two fugitives fighting a common enemy in CIVIL WAR. Every war is won or lost based on one decisive battle-- this might be the endgame for CIVIL WAR. A clash that's been building for thirty years comes to a ferocious head as The Punisher and Captain America finally collide, and the reverberations will be felt for months to come. Cap made a deal with the devil-- what happens when the devil comes to collect?

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jan 27, 2007

    Punisher War Journal #3 was another excellent read. Fraction and Olivetti are a brilliant team and are cranking out one consistently good comic book. Punisher War Journal has far exceeded my initial expectations. If you haven't ever read the Punisher, give this title a try. There is much more to this title than just mindless action. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jan 29, 2007

    Ariel Olivetti continues to produce some pretty art. His figures are delicately shaded and outlined in finely detailed lines, and the muted, soft colouring of Dean White adds to the more realistic style of the visuals. It might not be my first choice for a more traditional superhero book, but it works in the context of this title. Unfortunately, its in service of a below-par story which doesnt provide much insight into the title character beyond what we were given last issue. Whats more, this issue doesnt stand as complete in its own right, and those of us who want to know more are going to have to wait another month for the final instalment of Marvels big crossover book to fill in the gaps. Its bad planning on Marvels part, and I can only hope that similar events in future will be handled in such a way that satellite stories like this one arent reliant on the content of other books in order to make sense. On its own terms, the story isnt even that compelling: this is ve Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Jan 25, 2007

    Ariel Olivettis art continues to stay solid through this issue. Theres just something about it that I really like. Usually Im not a big fan of the painting look of some comics, but Olivetti manages to do a pretty decent job with the artwork. While it is not my hands down favorite, it is still pretty good. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Hislight Jun 4, 2020

    Do not believe these reviews this is Marvel the way it should be. This is dark and real with some incredible art and great writing (despite some dialogue) This is the way the marvel universe should be. I guess it's just right up my alley. Frank feels like such an outsider I love it, and the extreme contrast. I love Bridges and the new Microchip. Damn I don't get the bad reviews this is good shit. Maybe it took 13 years of shit to make us now appreciate how good this was.

  • 7.0
    Mout Jan 23, 2022

  • 4.0
    Jack Hastings Feb 6, 2017

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