Old Man Logan #4

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Andrea Sorrentino Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 26, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 25
7.0Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

• As the mysteries of Battleworld begin to unravel, Logan finds himself in a world eerily similar to the one he himself helped dismantle.
•  But in trying to untangle the web of secrets, he soon realizes that he may not even be able to trust his own memories.
•  And this new neighborhood may not be as friendly as he thought...
Parental Advisory

  • 9.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Chris Massari Sep 2, 2015

    Read this issue, read this series. By far, Bendis and Sorrentino are the best duo in Marvel comics right now. The way these two are able to mesh the scripting, as well as the art work, is discredited by a review. It needs to be read and experienced for oneself. In the future, Marvel really needs to put these two on other series without a doubt. Luckily, when Marvel launches their new titles in the fall, Sorrentino will be working with Jeff Lemire on the new Old Man Logan series, which is spectacular news. If you haven't read those twos' Green Arrow for the New 52, then you don't know what you're in for and if you have, then you probably share in the excitement for it. Praise God-Doom for what is to come with that title. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Karcossa Aug 28, 2015

    This is a fantastic horror tinged issue featuring everybody's favourite zombified Marvel characters, and regardless of whether you're readingSecret Wars or not, Old Man Logan #4 is an absolute blast to read, which is more than I said for the prior issue. Should you read that before picking this one up? Maybe. Maybe not. If you're a fan of Wolverine, then this issue is worth a read regardless of whether you've been following the series it has spun out of, or even this miniseries. Contrary to what I said about the previous issue, the second volume of Old Man Logan has become one of the highlights of the summer for me, and I can't wait to see where the old man ends up next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Sep 1, 2015

    This is, overall, a wonderful issue. The plot still isn’t going anywhere that I can see, but it’s a good issue in terms of writing style and definitely artistically. The series will be concluded next issue, and I am beyond curious to see how the creative team wraps things up. I’m hoping for something great! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboys Inc - Jeff Ayers Aug 26, 2015

    This issue has some serious faults for not addressing the central plot of why Old Man Logan is out there in the first place - the Ultron head. But, it gains some points because it is a blood-soaked berserker ragefest for a few pages, which is a needed visual for fans of the character, especially those that miss him since his death. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - JAdam Jan 7, 2016

    Take a look at the cover, and you know what you're gonna get with this book"Logan is in Battleworld fightin' lots of zombies. I kind of liked knowing what I was in for just by looking at the cover. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Black Nerd Problems - L.E.H. Light Aug 27, 2015

    In The Deadlands, Logan meets another old friend and they team up for some classic zombie killing fun (not going to spoil that surprise!). I do enjoy Bendis' characterizations, each person is so distinct in accent, word choice, pacing — if you're writing dialog, this is how it should be done. In the end though, The Deadlands isn't where Logan is supposed to meet his Doom (hee hee. Sorry, couldn't resist that pun) and he again finds himself thrown into another realm. With this landing, I know we're getting somewhere: Logan lands in Manhattan which is where the roads in many of the other Secret Wars titles end. There's a convergence coming, and it is going to be good. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Aug 26, 2015

    Old Man Logan is one of those series you know isn't great, but find yourself following anyway. Having a simply, yet intriguing narrative, this latest issue manages to enhance the rather questionable series, leaving hope as we enter its finale next time out. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Superior Spider-Talk - Caleb Hennington Aug 29, 2015

    Despite the fantastic art by Sorrentino and Mailo, Old Man Logan #4 is still following the same hollow plot as the previous issues. It's a pattern of: conflict, resolution, change of scenery, more conflict from issue to issue, and at this point, it's getting kind of old. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Aug 27, 2015

    Old Man Logan #4 doesn't have much narrative push, but it does have great art as delivered by Sorrentino and Maiolo. The script from Brian Michael Bendis has its moments, but they feel largely disconnected from everything else going on. Art alone will keep some invested till the end, but if you're looking for a worthy sequel to OML's original run, this isn't it. Read Full Review

  • 5.2
    Comicsverse - Marius Thienenkamp Aug 28, 2015

    Long story short, OLD MAN LOGAN #4 is even more redundant than #3 and doesn't add anything to the character; neither does it have an exciting or well thought-out plot. On these 22 pages, barely anything happens, at all, and the series is in danger of becominga missed opportunity to write a great story about one of Marvel's coolest characters. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 27, 2015

    There's so much potential to this book, but Bendis is barely even scratching the surface " and for a writer of his caliber and experience, it's hard to justify that with an excuse. Read Full Review

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