New X-Men #135

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Frank Quitely Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 11
6.0Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

Xorn has taken the special class into the woods for a lesson they won't soon forget. Meanwhile, Quentin Quire assembles his fellow revolutionaries and gives them a little kick, in the form of some Hypercortisone D! Here come the New X-Men!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 30, 2002

    The idea of the students of the Xavier Institute rising up against the X-Men is an interesting crisis, and Grant Morrison does a pretty solid job of showing us how this tension is being created largely by a single student. However, while the student element is being handled quite nicely, I have some reservations about how the X-Men are being handled in this story, as their reaction to the idea that group of their students have savagely attacked & murdered several youths almost seems to be too calm & reserved. I mean Xavier makes the claim that this is one of his worst fears, but one wouldn't know it, as the rest of the X-Men are treating the matter like the students simply displayed a streak of independence. One would think murderous behavior would provoke a greater degree of concern, and as such the whole story left me feeling a bit unsettled. Then again perhaps Quentin is using his telepathic powers to temper the reaction of his teachers, though I can't see him having the power to sw Read Full Review

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