New X-Men #133

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Ethan Van Sciver Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 11
6.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Wolverine rescues a young mutant from an Afghani mutant slave ring and encounters Fantomex. What is the mysterious Frenchman up to this time? Meanwhile, Professor Xavier is made the target of a daring assassination attempt.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 22, 2002

    I want to enjoy this book, but Grant Morrison simply isn't quite clicking for me on this title. Now there's been some interesting ideas, and god knows the X-Men could certainly use a good kick in the pants creatively. However, it's difficult to get excited by the razzle dazzle approach that Grant Morrison has taken on this book, as except for a couple of ideas that are clearly design to spark debate among X-Fans (e.g. the Beast coming out of the closet, Scott's infidelities with the White Queen), there's been very little meat on the bare bone plots that Grant Morrison's been serving up. I mean we have villains who engage in impressive looking chest beating, before folding like cheap tents in a wind storm, and we have a collection of character arcs that seem to be stuck in holding patterns. This issue is particularly annoying as it seems more interested in posing & posturing than on entertaining. I know Grant Morrison can do better than this, but he just doesn't seem to be able to make Read Full Review

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