New X-Men #130

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Igor Kordey Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 12
3.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The Paris X-Corp strike team fight for their lives in the Channel Tunnel against the being known only as Weapon XII! Plus, Fantomex's secrets are revealed!

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 22, 2002

    An issue that runs into the same problem that I had with several of Joe Casey's issues over on the sister title, in that the X-Men are left with little to do but stand on the sidelines and watch the action play out. I mean, while I enjoyed some elements of Fantomex, having him take center stage was a bit much. Plus, while it makes sense that the program that created this threat would have a means of bringing it under control, it made for a very anticlimactic finish. I mean is the reader actually suppose to be entertained by a demonstration of how quickly & efficiently the protagonist is able to defeat the villain. Maybe this works for Batman readers, but in my book the only entertaining battle is one where there is actually some doubt regarding the final outcome. There's also Grant Morrison's need totoss in a bunch of weird sounding ideas that serve no purpose other than to sound weird, but then again I guess this is part of Grant Morrison's appeal. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Aug 18, 2002

    Mr. Morrison may have been able to transform this obvious JLA story into a fascinating New X-Men story, but he didn't even make an effort. He alters some dialogue. He removes a few characteristic impediments, but the story sorely misses the icons with which he used to play. No matter who was involved, the story still needed polish. Read Full Review

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