New Mutants #50

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Felix Ruiz Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 31, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.8Critic Rating
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It’s time to raise a glass to Dani Moonstar, Sunspot, Cipher, Warlock, Sunspot and X-Man in this series-ending issue!

  • 9.5
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Nov 4, 2012

    Oh well, this is the norm with most of the big properties (unlike Superman for some strange reason-a character that DC Comics has decided to completely ruin recently). Writers come along, get to play with the characters, then have to put them back unbroken and unchanged. At least we got a fun and thrilling adventure each month in the style of the old school X-Men for a while. Thanks Mr. Abnett and Mr. Lanning for giving us at. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 31, 2012

    "New Mutants" #50 opens up with an old school usage of Magma's powers (does anyone else remember when her ability was just to raise little volcanos?), and it's a fun and slightly sweet way to kick off this final issue. It kept an eye on old continuity but wasn't so wrapped up in it that it demanded an encyclopedic knowledge of those earlier stories. "New Mutants" was a pleasant book, and while this last issue lacked the punch of some earlier installments, it will still be missed. Read Full Review

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