New Mutants #9

Writer: Nunzio Defilippis, Christina Weir Artist: Carlo Barberi Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

The pressures of school and family begin to take their toll on the students – and teachers – at Xavier's. Sofia loses her temper, and gains a dangerous new mentor, while one student finds the pressure too much to bear…

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 25, 2004

    The book opens with a fun bit of action as we see Avalanche (who I must confess I had thought had been ripped apart by Lady Deathstrike), goes on a rampage though the middle of Manhattan, before he's taken down in grand action movie fashion by our mystery hero. The book also manages to hold its cards pretty close to the vest, as I have to say I'd never have guessed it was Rahne, but than again I have to admit I didn't know who the character was until the dialogue actually identified her. In any event the book does manage to get our younger cast members away from the school, and on the trail of a fairly interesting young mutant whose attack on a young woman is sure to make things difficult if our heroes decide to bring her back to the school, and include her as a member of their group. On the other side of the equation though I don't imagine many fans of Wolfsbane will be pleased with this issue as she is nothing like her previous portrayals, even when one takes into consideration the c Read Full Review

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