New Mutants #6

Writer: Nunzio Defilippis, Christina Weir Artist: Mark A. Robinson Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

In the ultimate showdown with the Reavers, the New Mutants put their powers to the test and discover a potential new teammate. But when the kids encounter a danger from within, will they band together to become a team or will they be overwhelmed by a power that is too dark and great to handle?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 4, 2003

    A rather dry reading experience in that after a rather abrupt finish to the battle with the surprising ineffective Donald Pierce the story shifts back to the Academy, where most of the attention is centered around cast and their deciding to either stick with their newfound band of friends, or strike it out on their own. Now this issue does manage to offer up a fairly unexpected development as the "death touch" sporting Kevin Ford decides to leave the team, and there's no scene where he's convinced to stay. However since the character never really emerged as a character that I really cared about one way or the other, it's a little difficult to get worked up over his departure beyond the simple fact that it was an unexpected move on the part of the writing team. I was glad to see Dani's decision to leave the book was reversed as at the moment it's the attention being directed her way that is keeping me invested in this title, and if she had left, my interest in this title would've left Read Full Review

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