New Avengers #20

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mike Deodato Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 21, 2006 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 10
3.7Critic Rating
5.3User Rating

THE COLLECTIVE: CONCLUSION The Avengers are face-to-face with a power greater than anything they have ever faced before...on the island of Genosha! Guest-stars galore as the ghosts of the House of M attack!

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jun 21, 2006

    New Avengers #20 was simply a lousy read. This was a fitting ending to an unimpressive and pointless storyline. I would not recommend New Avengers to anyone other than a die-hard Bendis fan or a die-hard Avengers fan. It simply isn't that good and is not worth your hard earned money. There are plenty of better comic books on the market worth your money. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Sam Kirkland Jun 23, 2006

    The big reveal of New Avengers #20 is unexpected to be sure, but not in a particularly good way. No one who has never heard of Xorn will understand what happens here, and I find it highly unlikely that anyone who has heard of Xorn will understand what happens here. The mess needed to be cleaned up, and the issue certainly accomplished the two goals of restoring Magneto's status quo and obliterating Xorn for good; it's just too bad Bendis had to play janitor for the X-titles in this final story arc before the New Avengers get disassembled. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jun 26, 2006

    If this had been an X-Men book, I could just about have handled the direction the storyline has taken. If this had been billed as a true sequel to House of M, I would have been more prepared for its inconclusive nature and meandering plot. If Spider-Woman, the Vision, Wolverine and Luke Cage had actually done anything of any consequence for the entirety of the storyline, I might have understood why this story was even being printed in New Avengers. Sadly, this issue just lets the reader down on so many levels that its difficult to see how the book is going to recover. But wait: the next four issues of the title will apparently deal with the ramifications of Marvels Civil War event on the New Avengers, effectively disassembling the team after only twenty issues! Maybe the book will be transformed afterwards too, but on the strength of this mess, I dont imagine Ill be around to find out. Read Full Review

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