EVERYTHING IS NEW. In the wake of SECRET WARS, the old order changeth - and Bobby DaCosta, Sunspot, is just the man to changeth it. Welcome to AVENGERS IDEA MECHANICS - a super-scientific global rescue squad of tomorrow's heroes... today! America doesn't want them! S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't know what to do with them! But Earth might not survive without... the NEW AVENGERS!
Rated T+
This issue was essentially made for me, from the stylistic art and colors to some great character dynamics. Some of my favorite characters are in one book and I feel that theyre going to have some awesome growth and adventures through the course of the series. This is definitely one of my top picks for an All-New, All-Different Marvel. Read Full Review
Ultimately, New Avengers #2 continues the successes of the series debut. Swift pacing and character-based action keep the issue flowing smoothly. The trio of Al Ewing, Gerardo Sandoval, and Dono Sanchez Almara have created an entertaining title that brings together a varied cast of characters. However, the series will need to address the motivations of its characters, especially its villains, in order to succeed. Read Full Review
Ewing's story sets the stage for these New Avengers and gives the team a solid place in the new Marvel Universe, but what it fails to do is provide anything more than a threadbare reason as to why this team should even have the word "Avengers" in their name. The practice of putting any given character on the team has long been one that's kept the membership fresh and evolving, but here there's little to justify the name of the title beyond marketing purposes. "New Avengers" #2 is a good comic, but it's not an Avengers comic, no matter what the title says. Read Full Review
New Avengers #2 improves in many ways over the last issue. While there's still work to be done when it comes to the characters, the story on a whole is a solid introduction that shows how this team works and what their status quo may be. Plus, there is still a lot of fun indicative through the book's humor and energy. The art may not be for everyone, but if you can get past that the book is worth a definite look. Read Full Review
New Avengers #2 improves in many ways over the last issue. While there's still work to be done when it comes to the characters, the story on a whole is a solid introduction that shows how this team works and what their status quo may be. Plus, there is still a lot of fun indicative through the book's humor and energy. The art may not be for everyone, but if you can get past that the book is worth a definite look. Read Full Review
Whilst this isn't the best comic out there by any means it is one that's enjoyable, which is really the point of buying any comic. Hopefully the artwork is one wherethe more of it you see the more acclimatize to the quirks that go along with it. If this isn't the case then it may be necessary to either rotate the artists on the book or change the artist all together, as it seems like Sandoual may be one of those Marmite artists. Other than that this is a really solid comic and a good starting point for this team. Read Full Review
I still wouldn't call New Avengers a perfect book by any means, but this issue finds its feet and delivers a solid story that I enjoyed and provided a glimmer of moving in the right direction. Read Full Review
Granted, this is not a formula that works for everyone, and it's likely not something that grabs new readers and compels them to keep reading. Again, I'm definitely a niche reader, but The New Avengersdoes feel like a bit of a niche book, and it might not hurt to allow the book some breathing room to fully carve out that niche for itself and its audience. Read Full Review
While the book carries many of the requisite beats of a good Avengers story, its execution and character dynamics still leave a lot to be desired. Read Full Review
Al Ewing is clearly working towards something with this series, but he's given the book very little room to breathe and grow organically. Instead, he's throwing constant streams of information and words at the reader that take away from the central story. Too many times throughout the battle sequence we cut away to either A.I.M. or The Maker speaking, and none of their conversations add to the narrative. It would have been nice to see Sandoval given more to do during the action scene as it was certainly the best part of the issue, but not only do we not get that, we don't get any development of the team or its seven members (though I'm not sure Hawkeye should count at this point). Al Ewing is racing against time here: there's only so long that readers will put up with his approach to this series, and right now, there are no signs of anything worth sticking around for. Read Full Review
Overall, I am disappointed with this title. I don't feel the team vibeI was hoping for in an Avengers title, and I see very little being done to bring out the characters and their personalities. So much potential is here along with many characters I was excited to see back in action, I just hope this potential is realized soon, as I am really on the fence as to whether I want to continue with this book. Read Full Review
New Avengers is a missed opportunity by focusing very little on its Avengers. Read Full Review
So, yeah, I can't recommend this series at all. This time I really will stay away. Read Full Review
Overall: New Avengers #2 is a poorly written read. The All New All Different direction of the Marvel Universe is a plan that appears flawed to me. However, that does not mean that quality writing cannot overcome what is initially a stupid idea by Marvel's editorial staff. Unfortunately, Ewing fails to deliver anything that would be confused with quality writing. I have no idea who New Avengers #2 would appeal to other than diehard fans of the niche characters that appear in this issue. Read Full Review
There definitely is something “all-new and all-different” about New Avengers:its that the book is bad. Al Ewing is capable of a lot better than what we saw in these first two issues. The art leaves a ton to be desired and looks too much like a manga book. I have no idea how Marvel can fix this, but they need to figure it out fast. Read Full Review