Magneto #9

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Gabriel Hernandez Walta Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 10, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 12
7.2Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

The MARCH to AXIS continues!
•  When Magneto discovers that mutants are being hauled away to a re-education camp, he goes to investigate...
•  And when he discovers that the RED SKULL is behind the operation-and in possession of the brain and powers of his deceased ally and friend, Charles Xavier, no less-Magneto becomes determined to shut it down!
•  But can the Master of Magnetism overcome the Red Skull and his terrifying S-Men?
Parental Advisory

  • 9.0
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Sep 11, 2014

    It should be interesting to see how this situation unfolds, and how Magneto plans on getting out of it; if in fact he does have a plan for this one. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Book Herald - Big Phil Sep 12, 2014

    This was a great issue of a great series. It was also a good first showing for the upcoming Axis event and while it didn't reveal too much about that it did begin making me even more hyped. It also helped that this issue had a slightly different structure in how it played out. Read Full Review

  • 8.4 - Chase Magnett Sep 11, 2014

    Ignoring detrimental ads, Magneto #9 is very well done. It is a dark, brooding story that provides proper emphasis and empathy to the weighty topic that it addresses. Bunn, Walta, and Bellaire are taking the rich history of a character like Magneto and using it to tell a new story. They are reflecting on what makes him such a potent icon and will likely leave an indelible stamp upon the Master of Magnetism before this series is over. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Jeff Lake Sep 11, 2014

    Artist Gabriel Hernandez Walta does a solid job rendering the proceedings, but ultimately issue #9 represents a minor step back Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Sep 15, 2014

    As part of the lead-up to the "AXIS" event, "Magneto" #9 brings the master of magnetism into the Red Skull's sphere of influence. Bunn seizes this opportunity and inserts the Skull's S-Men to challenge Magneto on his quest. While that collection of characters would have been no match for a fully-powered, confident, in-his-prime Magneto, this group delivers more of a challenge right off the bat and bring Magneto to a cliffhanger conclusion in his own comic book. Mired by his power struggles and his emotional uncertainty, Magneto is as vulnerable and relatable as he has ever been, but he is also on the verge of being overshadowed by the action in "Magneto" #9. If nothing else, this story moves along nicely. It also connects what appear to be some of the biggest, most critical dots in the "AXIS" picture. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Marlene Bonnelly Sep 1, 2014

    True, issue #9 still provides some of the same introspective monologue and character development we've come to expect, but somehow these elements take a backseat to a bigger story setup. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Sep 13, 2014

    Magneto is in a great place these days, character-wise, and considering what we know about AXIS, I really look forward to seeing where his character goes next. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Sep 13, 2014

    Magneto #9 falls just short of its pedigree, not a difficult feat considering, and is further hurt by its position as the clear beginning of an unfinished narrative. Still, the strength of the concept and the open-ended nature of its best moments hint that this "Axis" tie-in may yet bear fruit. It's an issue thats less good than it is enjoyable, but, if you've been loving Cullen Bunn's take on Magneto, you'll probably get a kick out of this issue as well. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Florida Geek Scene - Touch of Grey Sep 16, 2014

    Axis is…definitely not going to be a book I look into. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Stuart Conover Sep 14, 2014

    Overall, this is a great lead in to the upcoming AXIS event and more than anything it makes me want to see Magneto be the one that takes down the Red Skull. If the Skull somehow dies at the end of this event, which is unlikely, I highly suspect it won't be at Magneto's hand. I do hope he plays an important factor into the madman's downfall though. This would be for both a matter of redemption and revenge in a way that might give him a small piece of closure. The aspect of the issue set in present day felt like a great Magneto comic aside from how he interacted with the prisoners. I must say though that not being able to follow up on the events from last issue due to being dragged into a multi-comic crossover event left a bad taste in my mouth. Still worth picking up but this was probably the weakest issue in the series to date. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Sep 17, 2014

    Whether or not you'll be following the Axis event, this story doesn't feel as though it's required reading. Yes the Red Skull is involved and it does show what he's been up to, but the focus lies more with his S-Men, and Magneto's past. If you've been following Magneto since the beginning, then this issue although consistent with his current mission, feels as though it's been somewhat forced into Marvel's next big event. It's too bad we couldn't get an entire issue devoted to Magneto's past. Read Full Review

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