Karnak #2

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Gerardo Zaffino Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 24, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 22
7.2Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

• Karnak versus a warehouse full of enemy agents! The agents don't stand a chance.
•  But the Zen Gunner can turn the air itself into a deadly weapon? Karnak's in trouble.
Rated T+

  • 10
    CourtOfNerds - Grant Stoye Feb 24, 2016

    This issue was a masterpiece, and furthermore, David Aja continues generating hauntingly beautiful covers. He utilizes the negative space in such a clever way, where it shows out truly out of place Karnak is wherever he goes. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Wednesday Comics - Marvin Salguero Mar 2, 2016

    The issue ends with probably its strongest moment. Karnak after fighting the abductor, goes to a local restaurant to order a pure glass of water. We end with Karnak looking onto the street to a couple kissing and a couple of people talking. He holds up his hand in front of the window. Is he trying to block his view? Does he see this moment of their human lives, which they probably see as having a good time, as flawed? It's almost if he's trying to gain a moment of peace, but he can't help but see the flaw in all things. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 29, 2016

    I really like this series - I just hope we can see it a little more often. Like, you know, monthly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Wilson Mar 1, 2016

    Warren Ellis has made Karnak a great title with a revamped character that is cold and brutal. Issue two has great action and the majority of the artwork is great. I hope the delays don't continue. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 25, 2016

    Karnak #2 is still very light on plot, but it at least has a stronger sense of forward momentum. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Feb 26, 2016

    In its second issue,Karnakcontinues to develop its identity as a minimalist kung fu philosophy comic with a side of science fiction and an incredibly cranky protagonist. The comic sort of just trails off at the end, but Karnak's interest in finding the Inhuman “savior” out of true faith or to prove people wrong sets up the rest of the series. Gerardo Zaffino and Antonio Fuso's art is roughly inked (Almost too rough in some spots.) and hard hitting, but lacks the ballet-likechoreographyof Ellis' previous action minimalist Marvel story,Moon Knight #5 that he did with Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chase Magnett Apr 6, 2016

    Even with the break in art at its end, Karnak #2 is a strong showing. The hyper-violence on display is stunning in its execution and presented in the most favorable conditions possible. As Ellis and his collaborators question the purpose and intention of violent methods, allowing those methods to be shown without the modification of words or a sense of humor makes them land. Karnak #2 is a comic book that lives and dies by the strengths of its visual storytelling and style, and here it hits home. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Mar 1, 2016

    I trust Warren Ellis, he has proven he can write interesting and fascinating characters, but so far he's focused on showing Karnak in action. It's great seeing him let loose and finding the flaws in his victims, but we aren't given insight into his personality, though this may be Ellis's intent. Karnak is cold and calculating, and with little caption boxes or dialogue, we don't really get to know Karnak which is a shame since I was hoping Ellis would define his personality in a way we haven't seen before. I'm still confident that Ellis can make this character into something more than he is now, and hopefully we won't see more long delays between issues before we find out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Feb 24, 2016

    Karnak is fine as it currently stands, but I fear that if it keeps going on like this much longer, it'll be just another in a long line of inconsistent attempts to make the royal Inhuman Family more relevant and interesting. There should be a place in the Marvel Universe for a character like Karnak. He's almost completely unique. But keeping him so far outside of the action doesn't benefit him. It's hard to understand a character's place in a world that they never interact with. I'm not saying that Karnak needs to be teaming up with the Avengers every other issue, but it would be nice for Ellis to define him within the world that we know he inhabits rather outside of it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 27, 2016

    This was not worth the wait. The last issue of Karnak came out in October, and it was very cool. Warren Ellis seemed to bring back the magic of his badass Moon Knight series. But something went wrong, Karnak was delayed forever, and now we've got a fill-in artist on a couple pages. So much for Moon Knight II. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 29, 2016

    "Karnak" #2 would have felt disappointing if it had shipped months ago as originally scheduled, and the long wait definitely hasn't helped matters. This is a series that feels a little too full of itself. With such a crazy concept, this seemed like a title worth checking out, but ultimately the only attraction is Zaffino's art. It looks great, but right now, there's nothing to back it up. Read Full Review

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