Iron Man #63

Writer: Mike Grell Artist: Michael Ryan Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 1, 2003

    This issue comes across as a bit disjointed, and poorly out together when it comes to the presentation of its threats, but right up until that god awful ending I was prepared to give this book a solid recommendation based largely on its nicely developed sense of urgency. However upon realizing that he had delivered a pretty enjoyable issue, Mike Grell somehow managed to find the one method of ruining it, by having Tony rescued by a missing angel statue that somehow came to life. I guess this ending is in the Christmas spirit but Mike Grell is starting to come across as a writer who is going out of his way to make me dislike his work, with this latest "Christmas miracle" ending being the latest sample of this quality. As for the art, Michael Ryan is turning in some lovely work on this book, with his action sequences being particularly impressive. From the battle against the Kraken, to the scene where Iron Man blasts his way through the terrorist's submarine, the art manages to deliver a Read Full Review

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