Iron Man #57

Writer: Mike Grell Artist: Michael Ryan Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 16, 2002

    Mike Grell is a much better writer than he's shown us on this book so far, and I do hope that once he finds his groove he'll start offering up some truly memorable stories. However, issues like this month's adventure don't have me exactly convinced, as this is pretty familiar ground that Mike Grell is covering, even if it is new to these pages. Now I'll admit that I've always been interested in seeing how Iron Man would fair against Mysterio, so this issue offers up a pretty good preview of how this battle would likely play out, and the cliffhanger finish did catch my interest. Still, when Ty Stone is busy delivering his villainous rant about his perfect little death trap I couldn't help but feel my interest slipping, as I've seen this battle play out in other titles, every time Spider-Man battles Mysterio, and the X-Men found themselves up against Mastermind. About the only truly exciting thing about this issue would be the art, which remains quite strong, even when the writing is dec Read Full Review

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