Incredible Hercules #115

Writer: Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente Artist: Khoi Pham Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 19, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
9.1Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

As Hercules battles Ares in a divine bout for Supremacy, Amadeus Cho fights to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. once and for all!

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Mar 21, 2008

    Using a perfect blend of hilarity, flashbacks, and action, the writing team of Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente smack another issue out of the park. There's a wonderful chemistry between Hercules and Cho that almost make this book feel like a “buddy cop adventure”. Penciler, Khoi Pham along with Paul Neary and Danny Miki on inks serve up another fantastic feast for the eyes. I heard Pham is leaving the book soon, and I really hope that doesn't happen. Arthur Adam's cover? His best Hercules piece to date. The farewell tribute to Hercules' colorist Stephane Peru, who recently passed away is touching. Seriously, there's nothing to not like about this book. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    IGN - Bryan Joel Mar 19, 2008

    Everything about Incredible Hercules has been pitch perfect for the past couple issues. If it continues this surprisingly stellar trend, the book deserves to be around for a very long time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Mar 18, 2008

    All in all, this is a pretty good book that continues to entertain on a very consistent basis. The story has just about everything you could ask for: comedy, drama, action, emotion, heroism, tragedy, and even some meta-commentary about the constant state of war that the Marvel Universe seems to be in lately. And in a nice touch, there's also a tribute to the passing of regular colorist, Stephane Peru. It's simple, but nice. He really will be missed. Read Full Review

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