The Pirate Queen of Pinghai Bay
Her name was Wu Ao-Shi, and she was known as the Pirate Queen of Pinghai Bay...and that all came after she left K'un-Lun and took the power of the Iron Fist with her. Kicking her way out of the pages of THE IMMORTAL IRON FIST #2, this stand-alone issue tells the story of Wu Ao-Shi, from the moment she became the first woman to touch the heart of Shou-Lao the Undying, to her mysterious, controversial and epic ending. At long last, America: someone has combined pirates, kicking, girls, and Iron Fist into a single comic book. You're welcome.
Some people were concerned that turning Iron Fist into a "legacy" hero would undermine Danny Rand's uniqueness and distract focus from the book's central character, but this issue should go a long way to convince them that that isn't necessarily a bad thing; and if retconning a whole legion of sixty-five previous Iron Fists means that we'll get more issues like this one, I'm very happy with the idea. Frankly, I could read a whole separate anthology title of these kinds of stories - but in the absence of that book, hopefully we'll at least continue to get some regular glimpses of the past Iron Fists between arcs on the regular title. I'm as keen as anyone to get back to Danny and the epic martial arts tournament that was set up by the end of the book's last issue, but these done-in-one stories make for the perfect breather in-between arcs, adding a real sense of history to the concept of Iron Fist and allowing Brubaker and Fraction to have some fun with superhero conventions and swash Read Full Review
Immortal Iron Fist #7 was exactly what I expected it to be a dull one-shot issue that was nothing but filler. The good thing is that the next issue kicks off the new story arc about the big tournament that Danny has to fight in. It should be a fantastic story arc and next issue is the perfect time for new readers to jump aboard this title. You won't be disappointed. Immortal Iron Fist is definitely one of Marvel's strongest titles. Read Full Review