Immortal Iron Fist #10

Writer: Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction Artist: David Aja, Kano Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 7, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 13
7.7Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The Seven Capital Cities of Heaven, Part 3
The kung fu tournament to end all tournaments continues in this, the third part of THE SEVEN CAPITAL CITIES OF HEAVEN. Davos and Crane Mother's conspiracy to crush K'un-Lun and the Iron Fist legacy once and for all springs to life. The Heroes for Hire continue tracking the rogue Hydra cell across the snow-swept Himalayas. The wicked Bride of Nine Spiders spins her terrible web. America continues to fall in love with Fat Cobra. And Danny Rand returns to the fight, armed now with the long-lost life story of Orson Randall, the Last Iron Fist. Will he be too late?

  • 9.1
    IGN - Bryan Joel Nov 7, 2007

    I can't say this enough: The Immortal Iron Fist is one of the top five best books on the shelves month in and month out. The scripts are top-notch, the art matches perfectly, and the Iron Fist has slowly transformed into a character I'm actually excited to read about every issue. Honestly, I feel like we're in the middle of a run that will be looked back upon decades from now as a classic. There have only been ten issues, find a trade paperback or an eBay auction. I'm not kidding. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Nov 9, 2007

    If you aren't reading this book, I urge you to try it; if you are reading it, expect to enjoy another highly entertaining issue. Immortal Iron Fist is the sleeper hit that deserves a bigger audience, and hopefully it will find one. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Nov 7, 2007

    It's still Iron Fist and a lackluster issue of Iron Fist is still better than just about any book out there. On the plus side, all the plots are building to what should be an explosive climax over the next two issues. Read Full Review

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