Starlord on the run from a mysterious new adversary- alone without the aid of the Guardians!
This might be a tough issue for new readers to jump on board with - we're in the middle a lots of crazy events here - but it's fun to see each character get some moments at center stage. And the better we know them, the better the chance that we'll actually like them. Read Full Review
I'm going to be honest here. As much as I want to see this play out I'm really more excited to see what secrets are revealed in the ‘Original Sin' crossover. I've been dying to know what happened to the three of them ever since they returned! Well, since the two returned. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #16 is yet another whirlwind adventure that's bound to keep its dedicated audience. Through the strength of its creative team this earns a recommendation from me. Read Full Review
But while the storyline is improving, the art quality continues to suffer. The shifts from Nick Bradshaw to David Marquez to Jason Masters are jarring, and Marquez's work here is a far cry from his smooth, vibrant style on Ultimate Spider-Man. Read Full Review
Where the last issue felt very much like filler, Guardians of the Galaxy #16 starts to move the story forward again. Hopefully it continues and we won't have to wait several more issues to put the band back together. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #16 will be an enjoyable read for people who have read Guardians up to this point. The artwork, as a whole, does not rise to the level of Bendis' scripting, which is a shame. Going forward, hopefully there is more consistency in the tone of the book as the story is going interesting places. Introducing Carol Danvers to the team gives the title a nice shot of energy and the final page alludes to an upcoming battle that will be a must-read. Read Full Review
While I'm not too fond of the too-easy way Bendis gets his characters out of their respective jams (nor the wasted pages replaying Drax challenging the Shi'ar Gladiator to combat), this is still a decent showing for an unorthodox arc. Read Full Review
Guardians of the Galaxy #16 is a nice little look into the life of this series. Brian Michael Bendis is doing the best he can with a comic that exists almost entirely for PR purposes. He's got a pretty fun plot going here, with a chance to let his characters shine individually. The Marvel cameos " Captain Marvel and Venom " are awkward at best. But I wouldn't say this is a bad comic. It seems perfectly fine to me. Though it could definitely use a steady artist. I nominate Nick Bradshaw. Read Full Review
With the Guardians of the Galaxy movie's impending release looming just over a month from now, Marvel needs to have strong team helming this book for the trickle of new readers that will inevitably be crossing over after they leave the theater, and not the scattered, fragmented mess we currently have. Throwing some Avengers on the team is a nice nod toward trying to tie the space-bound and terrestrial super-powered worlds together and honestly, I think Captain Marvel is a great addition. But it says a lot about the creative team currently running this ship when the Guardians were better written and more engaging when they were guest starring in Carol's solo title than in their own home book. Hell, Kelly Sue DeConnick turned Avengers Assemble from a shameless movie-inspired snooze into one of the better Avengers books in recent memory. Is she too busy to take on another book? Read Full Review
The best part of the issue is the continuation of the friendship between Gamora and Angela. Despite splintering the team to face divergent threats, the series still seems hesitant and afraid of committing to actually doing something. The team is set against Badoon, Kree, Skrulls, Spartoi and Shi'ar, but the threat never seems elevated. These are vast empires, but they're easily thwarted and surprisingly gullible, which simply becomes a disappointment when there isn't truly a reason for the protagonists to step up. There's no cause or quest to rally the Guardians, just more of the same old head-butting that's happened for sixteen issues, which leaves this title -- still -- treading water. Read Full Review