Gambit #13

Writer: James Asmus Artist: Clay Mann Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 29, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
7.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

GAMBIT may be in over his head…JOELLE, the woman he’s fighting to save, the one he may be falling for, is on the brink of death. But could the secret she’s been keeping be the key to her survival?Meanwhile, Gambit’s former flame and current Uncanny Avenger ROGUE must decide whether she’ll help him save Joelle or bring him in.And the villainous TOMBSTONE? Well, he’s willing to cut down any and all of ‘em to get what he wants…

  • 8.5
    Blue Raven Comics - Kassim Mirza May 31, 2013

    The long and short? If you're tired of heavy-handed Super Team books, or if you're tired of seeing the overabundance of Avenger and X-Men titles on the shelf, Gambit #13 might be for you. It (and the series as a whole) is a great, quick read that doesn't try and rewrite the history of time and/or Super Heroes or blah blah. It's just a book about a thief who continues to get himself into compromising situations because he's just too damn resourceful and charming for his own good. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman May 29, 2013

    I'm sure some of you won't mind that this issue is basically a standalone romp. A break from the overly dramatic and epic course of events can be a nice little vacation every now and then, but with the series' end apparently in sight, I'm really hoping this cliffhanger brings back the level of quality we were treated to in the last few issues. At any rate, it's sad to know this series has an approaching expiration date, but hopefully Asmus will have Remy leave us with one helluva bang! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Mike May 30, 2013

    While this might look and seem a little like a filler issue, Asmus' writes a regretful and guilty Gambit so well, it's hardly noticeable. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    IGN - djtazz Jun 4, 2013

    In the end, it was interesting to see Gambit use his experience as a thief to break in to Stark's apartment but, that was not enough to save this underwhelming book. There is a chance that the author's can still do something great with this storyline though. It will surely be interesting to see what Fence can do with all of Tony Stark's data at his disposal. Read Full Review

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