Fear Itself: Hulk vs Dracula #3
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Fear Itself: Hulk vs Dracula #3

Event\Storyline: Fear Itself Writer: Victor Gischler Artist: Ryan Stegman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 12, 2011 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
7.3Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

  • 8.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Oct 13, 2011

    Good work, Marvel. Finally you created a tie-in that was actually necessary and worth spending money on!! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Oct 16, 2011

    A rare event tie-in miniseries that was really good and had a purpose. The basic story of the vampires fighting the Hulk was very fun and the creators also introduced us to a new vampire super team: the Forgiven. How cool is that? Hopefully this isn't the last we've seen of them! Wonderful art by Stegman too. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 12, 2011

    Structurally, Hulk vs. Dracula doesn't make the best use of the three-issue format. So much time is spent building towards the final showdown between Hulk and Dracula that the actual battle barely has a chance to unfold. And while Gischler deserves credit for not delivering the sort of neutral, easy finish that cleanly shuffles Hulk back into Fear Itself proper, it's no longer clear how this book is supposed to be reconciled with the main event. But lukewarm finale aside, this tie-in did a fine job of reviving some of my lagging interest in Fear Itself. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Oct 16, 2011

    I'm not exactly sure what to say about this comic... Dracula came across as a real moron... How the hell did he survive for so many years? Seriously, how could he possibly think confronting THE HULK and dropping a net on him was a wise strategy? Raizo had the right idea. I mean hell, EVERYBODY knew that you couldn't defeat the Hulk with brute force, so he tried a different tactic, attacking the Hulk's emotions. I have to admit though, the Hulk being free of the Serpent's influence should make Fear Itself #7 that much more interesting when it comes out. All in all this was an okay little mini-series, but it's not something I'd go out of my way to recommend or anything. Read Full Review

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