Exiles #27

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Clayton Henry Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 21, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 29, 2003

    I like the newfound tension that Illyana brings to the cast, and I'll credit the book for being able to cast Moses Magnum as a fairly credible threat. However, I have to take issue with the almost simplistic way that this issue had Illyana accomplish to task of killing the Avengers, as having Colossus suddenly turn on his teammates was poorly motivated, and the book does next to nothing to explain why he decided to help Illyana. The book also manages to cheat the reader out of the one potentially interesting aspect of this fight, as Illyana isn't forced to take action against her brother, and the one fight she is allowed carry out is delivered off panel. There's also a rather awkward attempt made in the final pages to deliver a moment of genuine emotion, as Sunfire discovers her counterpart on this world was killed, but the ham-fisted way this scene is handled, robbed it of any impact it might've had. Plus, to tell the truth, I found the scene presented the characters as a little too s Read Full Review

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