Defenders #1
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Defenders #1

Writer: Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis Artist: Kevin Maguire Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
7.1Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Wong possessed by Nightmare! Dormammu and Umar in unholy alliance! The Hulk and the Sub-Mariner at each other's throats! The Silver Surfer...uh...surfing. Can Doctor Strange reunite the Defenders and save "Reality as We Know It?" 

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jul 24, 2005

    The Defenders is a fast funny exploration into Marvels least interesting team of heroes. Its whacky fun from the makers of One Punch! and will only offend those lacking a sense of humor. Even hardcore Defenders fans--I'm sure there are a few out there--should appreciate the new title. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 5, 2005

    Kevin Maguire is the only artist who has me welcoming twenty-two pages of talking heads, as the sheer variety of the facial expressions that he brings to the table is truly amazing. I mean how can one not love Doctor Strange's continual attempts to remain composed, while the Hulk and Namor continue their inane contest over who can be the most temperamental person in the room, or the sheer hilarity of the panels where Namor is all prepared to get upset when he comes to realize that he doesn't recognize the pop-culture reference that Banner has made, and as such he's not entirely sure he's been insulted. There's also a number of very funny visual gags, from the haughty backhand slap that Namor uses to respond to Banner latest insult, to the revelation shot where we look in on the Silver Surfer's current whereabouts. I do have to ask about Namor's missing nipples though, as while it's not going to keep me up nights, it is a mystery worthy of lengthy online debate, and one which I'm sure w Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Jul 24, 2005

    The funniest part of Defenders #1, however, wasnt written by DeMatteis or Giffen nor drawn by Maguire. That honor goes to the series Editor Andy Schmidt. The last page of the issue provides a column by Schmidt where he answers questions fans have asked him about the Defenders series. In response to the question How does this mini-series fit into continuity? Or does it?, Schmidt writes, You bet it does! This is real stuff! One of the reasons you may notice (if youre a fan of Keith, JM, and Kevins previous work) that this book reads a little differently from their work across town is that this stuff is happening right here in the real Marvel Universe. Yes, its funny (I hope), but its more about the characters and the adventure. If Dormammu and Umar dont scare you, then weve not done our jobs. As characters from Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguires other work from across town might proclaim, BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!! Andy, what have you been smoking, and where can I buy some? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Kingman Jul 24, 2005

    Again, nothing new in the way of plot (many issues of the original Defenders series billed the group as a non-team banding together only when the life of Earth was threatened, which is pretty much what we have here), but in the artistic hands of Giffen, DeMatteis and Maguire the dialogue and situations have a humorous, lighthearted focus that youre not going to find in House of M or any of the DC books leading up to Infinite Crisis (not to mention most issues of the original Defenders). The colors are vibrant, the skies are bright and clear, and the costumes and superhero shorts distinct and classic. The facial expressions are priceless. And even with Earth threatened for the umpteenth time, Stranges life once again in jeopardy, the Defenders having a hard time getting along, and Dormammu killing people left and right, the tone isnt at all serious. Defenders #1 is simply a fun comic to read; the kind of fun that makes rereading it such a pleasure, and the thirty day wait for the Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jul 24, 2005

    Overall: Good effort, but with quite a few kinks left to be worked out. So far, the title of the issue is all too true. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Jul 24, 2005

    Is this book funny? Well, sure. Is it BWA-HA-HA funny? Not yet, but its getting there. Its possible the dilution of the Giffen-DeMatteis brand comes from the fact that fans have come to expect a certain thing from this team, and the writers are trying to play into it, whereas with their original stint on Justice League it was just two guys writing the Justice League who were allowed to do whatever they wanted. Even revisiting the same characters in the recent DC miniseries, there was a large sense of self-tribute rather than freewheeling invention. Doesnt mean it wasnt damn funny, but it was a bit less true. Here, a new set of characters forcing them to set up new relationships and conflicts while still keeping the laughter alive, the gathering the troops issue of Defenders tries to pack a lot in and mostly succeeds. If these guys had more than five issues, they may work wonders on the friendships and rivalries of a team never meant to come together, and eventually mold t Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Jul 24, 2005

    I cant shake the feeling that this has been overhyped somewhat; theres a general air of half-heartedness around the comic, as if Marvel just wanted to thumb their nose at DC by poaching a popular creative team but without any clear idea of what they wanted that team to do, resulting in a very unsatisfying comic. Perhaps my colleagues will find this more engaging. Perhaps it s actually very funny if youre in the right mood. But this comic did nothing for me. Read Full Review

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