Dark Avengers #180

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Neil Edwards Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 5, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The Dark Avengers operation sets off what will become known as THE CATACLYSM Songbird finds out a deadly secret conspiracy to destroy The Dark Avengers, Luke Cage and the Thunderbolts Forever! Neil Edwards (SPIDER-MAN: SEASON ONE) joins Jeff Parker for the defining chapter in the Dark Avengers legacy!!

  • 8.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Sep 5, 2012

    Artist Neil Edwards does an admirable job of keeping up with Parker's bulging narrative, although at times his layouts get the best of him. The scene where Man-Thing tries to generate a portal past the shield has an unrefined composition that throws off the focus of the page. That said, he comes through when it counts and maintains the unfiltered, unglamorous tone set by previous artists Declan Shalvey and Kev Walker. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Sep 10, 2012

    And as we edge ever closer to another status quo change, Dark Avengers maintains the quality that it has set up since #175 and even before that. Last issue was a bit of a blip, but this one has easily restored my faith in the book, and the addition of Neil Edwards to the creative team has done nothing to hurt it at all. The Cataclysm is on the horizon, but this book continues to be anything but cataclysmic. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    Outer Realm Comics - Kieran_Frost Oct 31, 2012

    This issue focused more on Boss Cage; and so the jumps between the future and present day were very clever; with the voice-over "Cage has reached the end of his hero days" being used for both moments in both timelines. Cage talking down Magus from killing Kid Skaar, especially his "Son, work with me here" was great! More than last issue, this FELT like a filler. Yes, plenty happened plot wise; but I don't feel this couldn't have all been combined with last issue, without losing much. Maybe I've been spoiled on Parker's "two-arc" stories (soooo much story and moments condensed into one comic); I don't know. For the first time since his run began... I'm not "eager" for the next issue. I'm not feeling this story as much as the others. Pity. I don't know if it's the constantly changing art, or maybe I find time-travel in the past more fun than the future, I don't know? Fingers crossed next issue is a bigger pick me up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Sep 11, 2012

    Again, nothing stands out as blatant bad writing or poor plotting, but somehow nothing strikes you as particularly interesting. Read Full Review

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