Daredevil vs. Punisher #5

Artist: David Lapham Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Oct 24, 2005

    A final exciting sequence shows the Punisher absconding from the hospital with Marys brother at the same time as Matt Murdock attempts to track him down to deal with things in his own way, yet again bringing the two heroes into conflict. Again, Lapham shows up the chinks in Punishers armour as his lack of self-discipline puts him in dangerous situations, and again its up to Daredevil to save his life. With two such strong personalities in conflict, it seems as though Lapham is building up to an exciting finale which pushes their relationship to the limit, and that final page holds a lot of promise for the concluding issue. Ive been down on this series for being overly complicated and a little too cartoony-looking over past issues, but this installment proves that Lapham is up to the task of shedding the excess detail, rendering grim and gritty visuals when the material demands it, and crafting a lean, accessible story about the legitimate conflict which is thrown up by the very Read Full Review

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