Plus, for those not completely sold on the quality of this series, between issues #1 & 2 Marvel is reprinting Uncanny X-Men #159. For long time fans of the X-Men, you know that this is a classic issue well worth reading… unfortunately you need to wait for issue #2 for the most exciting part of the story – Wolverine and Nightcrawler vs. Dracula. Read Full Review
The comic wraps up with the first half of a reprint of "Uncanny X-Men" #159, where Storm is briefly turned into a vampire. Since they've been referencing Storm's relationship with Dracula throughout this crossover, it's a logical story to reprint. It does serve as a reminder, though, on how much more plot Chris Claremont was able to pack into issues of "Uncanny X-Men" back then; it certainly makes all of these stories feel a bit slower by way of comparison. "Curse of the Mutants: X-Men vs. Vampires" is ultimately not a bad comic, but it's not a great one either. We've seen much better in the way of X-Men anthologies before. Read Full Review