By Crom and Mitra, it's been 300 issues since Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith first brought the Barbarian to comics in 1970's CONAN THE BARBARIAN #1! CONAN's oversized 300th-issue spectacular kicks off with Jim Zub and Cory Smith's ongoing saga, as we return to Conan's much-lauded days sailing with the queen of the seas herself, BÊLIT! But - past, present and future will collide in ways unexpected and strange!
Sharpen your blade for three additional, all-new tales from across Conan history! Dan Slott enters the Hyborian Age with Marcos Mart n, for an untold more
With Owsley's tale as the end cap and a new King Conan series on the horizon to succeed this Conan run, Marvel does it again by providing further interest for new and old readers ready for the next chapter of this Cimmerian's adventures. Read Full Review
This issue is a decent anniversary issue that pays a lot of homage to stories past. For an oversize issue the price tag isn't bad and I'd call it worth your time. Read Full Review
CONAN THE BARBARIAN #25 is one of the strongest and most entertaining Anniversary Anthologies in recent memory. Theres not a weak short story in the bunch, and each entry has a unique perspective to offer on the creation of Robert E. Howard. Conan fans will be very happy with this issue. Read Full Review
The only weakness of this issue might be that the stories don't feature a wider range of Conan the Barbarian story types. It's clearly not trying to thoroughly capture every Conan the Barbarian story, like the pirate life he lived, or that of the thief or even the clever adventurer, for instance. All told though, Conan the Barbarian #25 is an entertaining collection with clever ideas and entertaining action. Read Full Review
Not only does this issue prove Conan's staying power in the Marvel universe, but it honestly makes the best argument yet for him to get some sort of anthology book. Read Full Review
Click on the image above to view the full page in another tab.Conan The Barbarian #25 is a worthy anniversary issue, offering an introduction to the Cimmerian hero for those who might need one and more epically illustrated tales of high adventure for those who know him already. If sword-and-sorcery be to your liking, make haste for the nearest comic shop and claim your copy today! Read Full Review