Carnage #9

Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Mike Perkins Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 22, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 5
6.6Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

• What's that old nautical adage? "Red sky in the morning, sailors warning, red sky at night, sailor's delight. Carange on board? Sailors are in trouble." I think that was it.
•  Anchors are away and our heroes are in trouble as Carnage's new powers make him even MORE dangerous.
•  The Darkhold is leading Carnage on the most intense spree he's ever been on and the whole world is in trouble.
Rated T+

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jun 27, 2016

    Although this issue borrows heavily from the Aliens movie especially towards the end, I still enjoyed it and the way Conway and Perkins are approaching this series. I didn't expect this series to be so good, but it has exceeded my expectations because I love all the nods to Marvel's more supernatural past. Not only that but the covers by Mike Del Mundo leave a lasting impression on me, especially the cover to this issue which may be my favorite of the run. If you're not reading Carnage and like Marvel's supernatural side, you may want to reconsider your choice not to. Conway has a handle on the character and is taking him places you wouldn't expect. I can't wait to see where he takes him next! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Mark Ginocchio Jul 5, 2016

    Carnage #9 has some moments of intrigue, but the pacing has gotten progressively more plodding the past few issues and this book is in desperate need of a pick-me-up. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jun 27, 2016

    This issue of Carnage might not be the rip roaring or the rip arming issue that some fans might have hoped it would be and sadly even though this issue takes the majority of its pages to set up a creepy environment........ it didn't really pay off too well...... even with some decent art backing up the story's progression, but it did do an excruciating job of making sure that anyone jumping on here will understand what's going on...... and while that's not really a terrible thing, it forced a lot of this issue to be boring as hell.  Don't get me wrong though, there's still some fun here, it's just not as much as I would have liked.   Read Full Review

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