Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #514

Writer: David Liss Artist: Francesco Francavilla Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 12, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
6.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Luke Cage guest stars as T’Challa’s new adventure in NYC continues! The former King of Wakanda has sworn to protect the mean streets of Hell’s Kitchen, and while battling the mob is one thing, how does he stop a killer targeting innocent people? It’s a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, as T’Challa hunts ruthless new crime lord Vlad the Impaler, while Vlad concocts a desperate and bloody scheme to entrap the mysterious new vigilante that’s ruining his plans. T’Challa learns what it really means to be a man without fear, courtesy of award-winning thriller novelist David Liss and the pulp-tastic art of Francesco Francavilla!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Jan 17, 2011

    After far too long reading unsatisfying "Daredevil" issues, it is nice to cheer for someone back on the Hell's Kitchen beat. Though this is a new character, and so not directly linked to Daredevil, this title works to fill the current void by fitting into the typical horn-headed mold. Our hero is being tested, in many ways, he's a little uncertain in love, and he's got a big crime boss to battle. You'll get action and a density to the noir on offer, but you'll also get a very personal tale. Things are only going to get worse on this title, and that's great for readers. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jan 12, 2011

    Francesco Francavilla is settling in nicely with this book. Impressively, Francavilla handles pencils, inks, and colors on his own. His color work is particularly effective, with dark, grimy scenes accentuated by bright flares of blue and red. The artist effectively renders this isolated and very seedy segment of the Marvel Universe. Should Daredevil return to reclaim his old book, Marvel could do far worse than keeping this current creative team on board. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 14, 2011

    If it weren't for Francavilla Man Without Fear would be a useless title. It fails as a spotlight for Black Panther since the specter of Daredevil haunts every word and every panel. It fails of course as a draw for DD fans. It's not even much of a superhero book. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jan 16, 2011

    I think your enjoyment of this issue is going to come down to how much you like T'Challa as a character. I've never been a huge fan and this story isn't causing me to frantically go on eBay looking for back-issues. But, your mileage may vary. I'm basically an optimist and think this story has a number of things going for it. One, Francavilla's art is not to be missed. The last Francavilla sketchbook I purchased cost over 10 dollars, so I could be happy with this even without words. Two, I love watching newer writers break into mainstream comics as they learn to adapt to the unique medium. Three, if you're a Daredevil fan, you know he will eventually be back in Hell's Kitchen and dealing with whatever happens in these Black Panther stories. So, for all those reasons, I'll be keeping this on my pull list. Read Full Review

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