Avengers #76

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Steve Sadowski Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 7
4.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

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Geoff Johns ends his run as scribe as an Avenger falls...

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 3, 2004

    Now that I've made it clear that I wasn't a fan of Jack of Hearts I'll now proceed to deliver why I found this issue to be a clear cut case of a writer throwing together an issue to finish out his contract. I mean the Avengers have a member who is essentially a walking time bomb that can destroy an entire city, and they display a woeful lack of concern when there's only a couple minutes left on the clock before he explodes and he's still not anywhere near the zero room. We also have an encounter where the Avengers seem to feel it's an exceptionally smart idea to turn ones back on a crazed man with a gun, and in one of the most unsettling moments I've come across in the pages of the Avengers Geoff Johns seems to feel that because the group calls itself the Avengers this gives the characters the freedom to kill the criminals. Still a bad issue by Geoff Johns is still going to be heads above what I imagine Chuck Austen is going to offer up, but still it's a shame to see Geoff Johns leave Read Full Review

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