Avengers #62

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Gary Frank Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
7.0Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

Broken Hearts
Jack-of-Hearts and Ant-Man Scott Lang square off!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 27, 2002

    A pretty solid character issue, and since it's focus is centered around two characters who I've never invested much attention in, I have to give Geoff John full marks for making this issue such an engaging read. The situation with Jack of Hearts has a nice tragic element to it, as we see his powers are more of a curse than a blessing. However, the most powerful moments in this story stem from the section that looks at Ant-Man's personal life, as we see his association with the Avengers results in a fairly grievous blow to his world. Hopefully this situation will carry over into the pages of "Alias". As for the art, Jon Sibal's inks seem to be giving Gary Frank's pencils a rougher edge, but the art does gain a nice photo-realistic quality, so I'm not going to make too much of a fuss. The art certainly does a nice job of conveying Jack of Heart's anger. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Dec 29, 2002

    Mr. Johns seems to know the history of the Avengers and has the other members vouch for Ant-Man's sincerity and bravery. The blindness in Jack of Hearts' viewpoint thus is purposeful, but it's a misguided rationale. Even Jack can't be this stupid. For a hell of a long time, he was Iron Man's protg. Talk about "coat tails." Mr. Johns asks the reader to feel sorry for the cretin simply because he has a problem involving his biochemistry, but he's such an unlikable dope that you find it hard to sympathize. Ant-Man's problems while unbelievable at least would merit a sad feeling if they were not so obviously orchestrated to mismatch the consequences of the Jack of Hearts' situation. On the other hand, maybe this hatred is actually a clever disguise for the forbidden love each hero feels for the other. Marvel may intend to stealthily kick a B-level and C-level superhero out of the closet to capitalize on their one hundred year old dead gay gunslinger publicity. Seriously though, Read Full Review

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