Heroes will die. Villains and heroes will form allegiances. Empires will fall. Featuring: Nova, Silver Surfer, Thanos, Drax The Destroyer, Ronan The Accuser, and the Super-Skrull!
In The End: Here is where Marvel starts to turn it around in my eyes. DC pretty much handed it to Marvel last year with the set-up for Infinite Crisis because House of M seemed to be a decent enough story that came from a truly bad idea. Between Civil War and Annihilation Marvel seems to be stepping up to the plate in terms of making their events matter in the eyes of the reader. Giffen delivered a story that played to all of his strengths as a writer and creator, and the art by Scott Kollins and Ariel Olivetti gave that story an epic scope. There are some funny moments, but they only served to lure the audience into a false sense of security before hitting them with something tragic. This is one of those rare instances where I had absolutely no interest going in and have nothing but interest coming out. Read Full Review
I wont complain too much though about any comic book with nearly 40 pages of Scott Kolins artwork. Read Full Review
Annihilation could restructure and reinvent the alien races in the Marvel Universe. But they havent played a big role in Marvel comics lately. Between House of M, The Other, and the upcoming Civil War, Marvel comics have focused almost exclusively on Earth. Aliens havent played a big role in a Marvel comic since Grant Morrisons New X-Men. So Annihilation Prologue isnt a bad story, but its not a great story either. It promises big changes that could ultimately be ignored. Well have to wait and see. Read Full Review
As a prologue, this should do wonders to build anticipation for the four miniseries to follow. So long as the future installments remember to provide readers with a more solid point of empathy for the alien characters, Annihilation may well bring back the wonder of cosmic comics. Read Full Review
Its hard to assess an epic on the basis of one chapter, but this is a nice, solid beginning for this one. Read Full Review
Im really kinda skeptical about this whole thing after the DCU shake-up. It seems as if both the MU and the DCU are playing a me-too type of game with each pulling out of the same collective creative pool. IF IF IF IF the DCU and the MU actually have a change that actually sticks, this may be a very good thing. If its not, I (and many other comic fans) will just simply skip all of the hype stories and pick things back up after the switcheroo and have less and less respect for their stories and hype Read Full Review
I couldnt find much fault with the art in this issue. I loved Kolins work on Flash, and I really like what hes done here with the galactic battles and the close ups on characters. Also, the colors work well in this prologue, making the whole issue a visual feast. All of the artwork is clean and bright, which is how an interstellar saga should look, without a lot of stray lines and exaggerations to reduce the beauty of the strange objects we are witnessing. However, the fact remains that I wasnt terribly engaged by the story or the characters participating in the story, meaning I will probably not be returning for Annihilation. This issues like a John Woo film: pretty to look at, but overall not too engaging in the story department. Read Full Review
The reason I wont be following the rest of this event is due to two problems: (1) theres no explanation or real mystery behind the source of the event, it simply happens and were supposed to care because a bunch of random space-faring characters take note; (2) a bunch of random space-faring characters take note and do nothing more. Im not now compelled to follow a solo miniseries about the Silver Surfer merely because he saw a big flash out in the distance of space and seemed curious. In fact, the Surfer himself hardly seemed bothered to find out what happens, so why should I be? Read Full Review
Admittedly, this issue probably had the cards stacked against it as far as Im concerned as I say, Ive no love for the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe but I was expecting better than this for a flagship event. Suffice it to say, I dont think Ill be following Annihilation any further. Read Full Review