FACE FRONT PART 2 One of the most enduring friendships in the Marvel Universe is tested when Spider-Man and the Human Torch throw down!
Thanks to Slott's last minute twist, Mark Waid has a treasure trove of material to work with as he embarks on the next arc, "Spider-Man 24/7". I'm looking forward to it quite a bit. Now that the series seems to be striking a better balance of fun and revelation, I'm optimistic the future will stay bright for Spidey's readers, if not Spidey himself. Read Full Review
It's like the old line, "We can't miss you if you won't go away." The sooner they stop dredging this up and trying to explain every detail, the sooner fandom can get back to enjoying Spider-Man's adventures. Hopefully. Read Full Review
This is not the strongest of the issues that have resulted from the "One More Day" scenario, but it does play upon the circumstances put in play there, and for the most part would not have been possible without "One More Day." My biggest gripe, however, is that by revealing his identity to the FF, Spidey now spins them into his web of deceit that sits at the center of his current status quo. Read Full Review