Age of Apocalypse #2

Writer: David Lapham Artist: Christian Nauck Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 4, 2012 Critic Reviews: 2
8.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Faced with a losing battle against Weapon X, it seems the X-Men have very little hope for survival. Meanwhile, Jean Grey and Sabretooth reach their lowest point in their fight to survive in this alternate dystopian reality.

  • 9.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Charles Joy Apr 8, 2012

    As forgettable as the "battle" was, much more was revealed as a result of the conflict. It would appear that the resurrected Cyclops is just part of the first wave of Weapon Omega's and Dark Beast's battle plan. Much is revealed as we reach the end of issue, but in the end we are left with more questions than answers - it is a good thing they are compelling questions... Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Apr 4, 2012

    Where the book is lacking is a strong central character. Our narrator is not the most interesting writer to ever grace the page; far from it in fact. The rest of the resistance is filled with fun heroes, but nobody stands out as the one this series is all about. It's hard to really care if somebody lives or dies. Issue #2, like issue #1, is a story of a place and a time. It'd be nice to have a few people to care about, too. Hopefully by the time issue #3 rolls around we'll get someone we can grasp on to. Read Full Review

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