Scatterbrain #3

Writer: Brendan Deneen Artist: Szymon Kudranski Publisher: Markosia Enterprises Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Murray Aug 1, 2006

    Like I stated in the beginning, this is a well-constructed comic with a script that dots all the is and crosses all the ts. But in a day and age where readers are looking for more meat out of story than a gamma-irradiated episode of The Shield, Scatterbrain doesnt quite cut the mustard. Deneen and Kudranski are both talented creators that Im sure will do great things in their career, and Scatterbrain does entertain at a basic level. But if the first three issues are any indication, the revelations that are sure to come in Issue #4 cant possibly be interesting enough to elicit a "wow" from readers. Read Full Review

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