Mighty Mite gets no respect, no respect at all. Sure, he may not be too bright, but he’ll still beat the snot out of anybody that threatens Capital City. And when a new villain named “Terrible Tina” shows up, it triggers a series of events that threaten the entire planet – and maybe even the whole universe! But hapless or not, when the going gets tough, Mighty Mite gets tougher!
A goofy golden age delight that proves not all reboots are a bad thing! Read Full Review
Mighty Mite #1 comes out of the gate swinging and whether or not you've ever heard of this obscure little guy, you're bound to have a good time with this comic. Hilarious and charming, D.C. Johnson has done a superb job of reinventing this forgotten hero for a new era. I would like to see a little more consistency in the artwork and a little more meat on the bone when it comes to the narrative, but this first issue is a promising sign of things to come! Read Full Review
Mighty Mite #1 is a very entertaining debut for a series which balances the ridiculousness of a hero who has no idea what he's doing, with the engagement of a world where the people are crude mirrors of the everyday person. Read Full Review
Mighty Mite is only available as a webcomic - you can find itfromPublisherAAM-Markosia atComiXology atthis link. Read Full Review
Overall, I thought that this was an enjoyable and amusing jaunt. I liked the funny nature of this comic and enjoyed the interesting and new way that Johnson reimagined the Mighty Mite. Give it a go, it's a lot of fun. Read Full Review