The Pedestrian #3

Writer: Joey Esposito Artist: Sean Von Gorman Publisher: Magma Release Date: October 16, 2024 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.2Critic Rating
10User Rating

Joey Esposito (W) o Sean Von Gorman (A & CA)

THE KLUTCH ARE EVERYWHERE! Their malignant influence tightens its grip on the hearts and minds of Summer City citizens... but where is the Pedestrian?! Why is the silent sentinel missing in action when he's needed most? Also, get 20% off your next PIZZA SUN order with discount code UNCLEJOE20!

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Chris Coplan Oct 15, 2024

    From the realms of the cosmic to the darkest alley in Summer City, this issue expertly furthers this book's scope, ideas, and impact. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerd Initiative - Richard Coryell Oct 16, 2024

    This issue does a great job of giving us a better understanding of the bad guys of this world. Joey Esposito does a great job of world building in this issue. As the story plays out and moves forward the build and reveals more special and gives the book a great slow burn feeling. Read Full Review

  • 10
    reading@dabeach Oct 17, 2024

    A hero needs an interesting, cool villain. It's the dualistic balance upon which comic books exist, for the most part. Lo and behold, here enters our villain, exploiting the disillusioned and disenfranchised of our society! His goals are elusive, and the rules by which he and the hero exist are very odd indeed.

    See, this is the charm of this book right here. Playing offbeat, it walks a thin line between super hero antics, social critique, and humor, managing to do it all in a very heartfelt manner. All the characters are well grounded in reality, but then they witness something strange. I have a feeling they're not even sure how dangerous the situation really is. This book is not woven in a common, superhero fashion; the magic of more

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