Rebel Grrrls (2023)

Rebel Grrrls (2023)

Publisher: keenspot Release: Jul 2023 Issues: 1 Critic Reviews: 2  User Reviews: 1
8.0 Avg. Critic Rating
5.5 Avg. User Rating

Cursed with the power to resurrect the dead through music, three girls from rural Alabama set out to tour dive bars, basements and county fairs throughout the south. If making it as an all-girl punk band wasn't difficult enough, these cursed souls are pursued by a ghoul, disguised as a record executive, who has been tasked with using them to resurrect enough of the dead to overthrow the living. Despite the forces of hell patiently awaiting its time to rise, these riot grrrls are intent to prove that they're no sellouts, and that they can make their mark on their own. Will it be revolution, girl style... or Armageddon?

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#1 Danny Harrell Robert Ahmad

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