Behold the smallest... er, we mean, the largest threat that St. Canard has ever faced! (Actually, they're both kind of accurate.) Darkwing Duck will have to pull every trick that he has out of his cape in order to defeat his most powerful foe yet, a villain that may well be unstoppable!
After an amazing opening arc which played out like the original 2009 Arkham Asylum game with The Terror The Flaps In The Night in place of Batman, this issue of Darkwing Duck proves to be an easily accessible one-shot perfect for new readers. Writer Aaron Sparrow has perfectly captured the voices of the characters from the original cartoon series and created a villain worthy of Darkwing Duck's already fantastic rogues' gallery. Likewise, artist James Silvani perfectly emulates the house-style of the original show's artwork, making every panel look like a lost animation cel. This is one family comic that truly is fun for readers of all ages! Read Full Review