Up is down, foes are friends, haywire holograms signal plummeting property values while demise and rise of heroes and sidekicks all manifest end times, but don't worry... there's still plenty of pudding for everyone.
Its difficult to do an issue like this in a way that feels terribly original or insightful. That being said, its a very familiar sort of a script that feels incredibly comfortable to anyone with even a passing familiarity with the action hero genre. Its fun stuff even if its really obvious where its been and where its going. The hero who gets the hell beaten out of him and keeps crawling back into the path of danger ontinues to hold a great appeal in a world that s seems to constantly be beating the hell out of everyone. It may not be original, but it IS relatable. Read Full Review
This penultimate issue is a highlight reel of the series' ups and downs, but I'm still excited to play that final frame. Read Full Review