The critically acclaimed maxiseries comes to its massive end! Edan's secret is out. With no family, no allies, and no country, she is left to do the one thing the desperate have available to them: lash out. As she sets her sights on the Palace and the government she fought so hard for, Peter and Davey question how much someone has to do to make you trust them again...
This is a great comic book to read. It plays with a lot of emotions as Hale see herself fail in one aspect in her life while finding people to lift herself up. Seeing her inner demons haunt her through most of the series is given the opportunity for redemption through the people she cares for. Read Full Review
Visually, narratively, and politically charged, The Few #6 is a satisfying conclusion. There are some turns that seem too convenient or easily achieved, but it does not dampen the raw, visceral reading experience. It is a series that I can say for certain goes beyond entertainment and enters the realm of true literature. I recommend this to anyone that is yearning for relevant scifi comics or relevant scifi in general. Read Full Review