Ten Grand #3

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Ben Templesmith Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: July 3, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 14
8.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Joe Fitzgerald's client is dead. The young woman he went searching for on her behalf is dead. And he's not happy about it. Worse still, someone's shaking the foundations of Heaven, in a move putting the spirit of his beloved Laura in jeopardy. Someone's going to pay for it...even if that means walking into Hell itself.

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Shane Kildea Jul 19, 2013

    This series continues to be a shining example of the quality of talent and product at Image Comics at the moment and is one of my favorite books. The end scenes, in particular, serve as a great twist and should be very, very interesting going forward. Can't wait! Read Full Review

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 3, 2013

    The book is called Ten Grand and it's worth every penny or pound of flesh. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Graphic Policy - scottselden Jul 5, 2013

    Finally, we have those last pages, focused on Laura, surrounded by beauty and intense light, which through Templesmiths unique style indeed seems heavenly. But suddenly she turns and sees a dark spot growing, a cancer in heaven and on the page. Demons ascend into what she thought was paradise, given a speed and ferocity few artists could provide, and drag her relentlessly down. The entire sequence is a perfect complement to the early flashback, showing the reader, and Laura, that no one is quite safe anywhere in the world of Ten Grand. Monsters, in human form or demon, lurk just around the corner. Cynical? Depressing? Sure. But damn fine reading. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Jul 4, 2013

    It may have taken a couple issues, but “Ten Grand” is finally comfortable settling in on it's story going forward and that just makes this issue all the stronger. From Templesmith's art being as great and atmospheric as always and bringing life to the book to Straczynski finally letting the lead character breathe a little and explore him emotionally, this series is stronger across the board than it was when it started. And that is a very good thing because going forward, with the right storylines, this could be the serious contender to be the next “Hellblazer”. And wouldn't that be something? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Jul 2, 2013

    Ten Grand marked the return of Joe's Comics, Straczynski's creator-owned imprint. With upcoming works including a limited series from Bill Sienkiewicz (sure to be its own kind of magic) and Straczynski's own Sidekick, it's a solid foundation. If this is your first issue of Ten Grand, you will undoubtedly seek out the rest. It's simply that addictive. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jul 5, 2013

    Ten Grand is that rare occasion when comic books transcend genre, and became true literature and art. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ricardo Guajardo Jul 3, 2013

    Another home run to the already impressive work to both creators, readers can't afford to skip this comic if they crave supernatural horrors that has been left by other companies. While there are similar characters from other publishers, they do not have the same impact JMS is trying to establish in this world Ten Grand created. It doesn't matter if read in singles or for those that prefer to trade-wait, this is one book that shouldn't be left in the comic racks. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Danielle Luaulu Jul 15, 2013

    ProsStory just keeps getting strongerArtist and writer work well together as a teamConsLaura and Joe's relationship is a little unrealisticTemplesmith isn't for everyone Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Jul 2, 2013

    Is Ten Grand #3 for everyone? No. Should everyone at least give it a try? Absolutely. This is a really special comic book in the vein of Constantine and horror, and most people could find at least one thing to enjoy about it. No, this issue isn't the series' strongest in terms of pacing, but it is very strong in characterization and plot development. I for one am now past that “three issue probation period” and am sold on this supernatural love story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Your Friendly Neighborhood Brady Jul 5, 2013

    The next chapter should really be a doozy. I'll make you a deal, good readers: Catch up on "Ten Grand" if you're new to this horrifyingly beautiful mystery. If you don't like it, I'll pity you and buy you another book. Honest. Just sign this deal"and you'll get what you deserve. Mwahahaha" Seriously, pick up "Ten Grand", it's that good. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Jul 3, 2013

    Ten Grand started out great, but it gets better with each issue. Straczynski and Templesmith are quickly reinvigorating a genre that has taken some hits and setbacks the last several months. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian Jul 3, 2013

    It all comes down to the last five pages. They're beautiful to look at, and they're a game-changer for the story; a slow-motion sequence of the stakes raising even higher for Joe. I have to find out what's next, because this isn't flashback, this isn't resolved, and if they've done nothing else, JMS and Templesmith have gotten me really attached to Laura and her ending. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Culture Mass - Jonathon Jacobs Jul 5, 2013

    The third installment of Ten Grand, Joe's Comics first creator-owned series in years, proves to be the best of the series so far while adding some much needed depth to our protagonist, Joe. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Jul 6, 2013

    Ten Grand #3 is a good comic that does enough to continue to sell the overall quality of the saga, as this issue earns a recommendation. Read Full Review

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