They say that no one ever dies in Stillwater and no one gets to leave...
...but even for those who have freed themselves of the town, is there truly any escaping Stillwater?
In this groundbreaking extra-length special, CHIP ZDARSKY & RAM N K PÉREZ have assembled a dream team of acclaimed creators to answer all your BIGGEST questions before the final chapter of STILLWATER begins!
A sweet and entertaining story that has some great character development and charm. The visuals are great throughout and complement the story beautifully. Read Full Review
With the series about to enter its final arc, Stillwater: The Escape paints a grim picture of how the story will pan out for the inhabitants of the town where no one can die. While this one-shot lacks variety in the short tales it tells, it tries to shed some light on the reality of immortality. Read Full Review
Stillwater: The Escape, an anthology collecting three tales from Stillwater lore, serves to balance the scales. It features a handful of recognizable characters telling stories of past town members who supposedly escaped around a uniquely haunting fire. Each tale features a different creative team, but they all fit perfectly into the sensibilities and setting Zdarsky and Perez have developed. Read Full Review
Fun if you follow the series, but confusing if you don't. Read Full Review