Bludd has revealed his true motivations and a new, powerful form that he will use to finally kill Al Simmons.
After the shocking conclusion of issue #360, this issue brings everything full circle. Todd McFarlane does a great job of upping the ante and setting the gears in motion for whats to come. Also, this arc is a genius way to explain why Gunslinger and others had their powers return in their issues leading up to this one. This issue is world building at its finest. Read Full Review
SPAWN #361 executes one big, status quo-shifting idea and does it well. Todd McFarlane ends the last year of waiting by finally unveiling why Nyx cut off everyone's powers, and Brett Booth's artwork looks immaculate. That said, releasing this issue out of order with the rest of the Spawnverse titles feels like a misstep. Read Full Review
SPAWN #361 stands as a transformative chapter in the Spawn saga, offering a rich tapestry of complex character dynamics, moral quandaries, and high-stakes drama. As the narrative progresses, readers are poised to witness the unfolding ramifications of Nyx's decisions and Spawn's renewed resolve. This issue not only propels the storyline forward but also invites reflection on the intricate balance of power, ambition, and destiny in the eternal battle between celestial forces. Read Full Review
I've no words to describe just how difficult this book is to read and score. The art by Brett Booth is an absolute joy to the eyes and fits Spawn perfectly. I could look at these spash pages all day long. Sumptuous colour heightens the superb line work. After that it's all down hill with some of the most boring simple dialogue I've read in months. I've been a Spawn fan from.near the beginning but this is woeful in the extreme. Tell Todd to pair the artist with a real writer and this book would hit a home run every month.