With the dark truth revealed, Maisie must fight back if she is to survive Dodge's deadly reenactment of Red Rogue Down. Every superhero has their origin story, and this is Maisie Wade's. Prepare for a climactic showdown that will force Maisie to don the mask and batons and become the hero she has grown to despise. It's Red Rogue vs. Jackdaw in this explosive final issue. Who lives is anyone's guess.
Rogues' Gallery #4 closes out a gripping and often sobering tale about when the lines between fandom & reality become blurred. This series is a must-read for anyone who calls themself a fan of anything, especially with how prominent superheroes have become in pop culture. Even the ending will give readers something to think about. Read Full Review
Its clear that this series is a contender for one of the best comics of 2022, in a year where every other week is producing a book of that caliber. More than anything else, what sells this book from top to bottom is the level of care and thought that has gone into it, from the entire team of Hannah Rose May, Justin Mason, Triona Farrell, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, Declan Shalvey, and editor Heather Antos. Its no surprise the series is already being eyed to make the jump to TV. It would be a disservice to any comic fan to overlook Rogues Gallery, as it's the type of book that ignites a passion in its readers. If youve missed the book in the month-to-month release, then make plans to immediately pick up the trade set for a December 5 release. Its a book worth every penny and is a vital read for the current era of fandom. Read Full Review
Mason delivers some great art throughout the issue. The pacing of the issue and its action are brilliantly done visually. Read Full Review
Other than it being such a fast and succinct conclusion to things, it's an issue that works on nearly every level. Read Full Review
What a miniseries, that was incredible...