The secret history of Buckaroo is revealed as lots and lots of blood is shed.
Nailbiter #24 does give us answers and they were indeed some big ones. Progress is a big thing at this stage of the investigation and they are keeping us at the edge of our seats when you can never be too prepared knowing the enemy is pretty much two steps ahead every step of the way. Read Full Review
Every volume of Nailbiter as been strong thus far, but 'Bound by Blood' continues to make a case for being the best one yet. Read Full Review
Nailbiter #24 is an amazing continuation to “Bound by Blood,” setting up next month's finale in a gipping manner. Not only does the issue give us some wonderful background on the history of Buckaroo, but it also features some tense dialogue, with the usual spark of creepy horror that this series is known for. Read Full Review
We're finding out more about the Buckaroo Butchers' origins, which is interesting, but it seems to be happening really fast. Once we find out how and why they came to be, will there really be that much more story to tell? I'm hoping there will be. With its gruesome yet beautiful art and enthralling, on-the-edge-of-your-seat storytelling, Nailbiter is a comic that never disappoints. I hope it continues far into the foreseeable future. Read Full Review
As much as I want to give Nailbiter #24 a 10, I simply can't. In some respects it is good that a major part of the mystery is finally being revealed. However, I don't know if I like the idea of what it actually ends up being. Although, it seems the most logical answer, it somehow feels disappointing. Also, the Finch, Crane, and Glory exchange felt awkward and didn't capture the essence of Finch's character as we have come to know him. Read Full Review