Moonshine #1

Writer: Brian Azzarello Artist: Eduardo Risso Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: October 5, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 20
7.8Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Set during Prohibition, and deep in the backwoods of Appalachia, MOONSHINE #1 tells the story of Lou Pirlo, a city-slick "torpedo" sent from New York City to negotiate a deal with the best moonshiner in West Virginia, one Hiram Holt. What Lou doesn't figure on is that Holt is just as cunning and ruthless as any NYC crime boss. Because not only will Holt do anything to protect his illicit booze operation, he'll stop at nothing to protect a much darker family secret...a bloody, supernatural secret that must never see the light of day... or better still, the light of the full moon.

MOONSHINE #1 marks the first time AZZARELLO and RISSO more

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 6, 2016

    Seeing Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso's names on a comic book cover is generally a good indication that the book in question is worth a purchase. This issue certainly bears that out, as it offers an engrossing, tightly plotted introduction to their latest creator-owned saga. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Capeless Crusader - Josh Epstein Sep 26, 2016

    Moonshine has the sudden kick and slow burn of the back-country likker after which it's named. Luckily, it won't blind you like it's namesake, because then you wouldn't be able to see how gorgeous it is. It would have been difficult to start on a stronger note, and the rousing beginning earns the first issue a near-perfect 9/10. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Flickering Myth - Anghus Houvouras Oct 5, 2016

    Moonshine has the kind of rhythm and chemistry that seems fitting since Azzarello and Risso have done this dance before. The team that created the mesmerizing, always interesting 100 Bullets have come back with a vengeance. Moonshine #1 is easily the best debut of 2016 and already has me howling at the moon in anticipation for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    BGCP - Marco Piva Oct 4, 2016

    I have the impression that Moonshine will become one of those series (or miniseries? We don't know if it will be limited) people will be talking about in the future. It definitely has all the premises to be an epic story, the characters are very interesting and full of hidden sides to their personalities, and the art is in Risso's usual, very in-your-face style. Don't miss it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Nov 2, 2016

    The bottom line for me, is that Moonshine #1 missed its chance at greatness. It's not a bad book by any means, but with just a few glaring drawbacks, it failed to grasp me. As it is, I like the idea, but don't really care about it. I'll pick up issue #2 if it leaps out at me, but I'll probably forget I even read #1 in a month's time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Oct 8, 2016

    Even though Azzarello and Risso have only grazed the surface with the debut issue of 'Moonshine,' we've seen enough to know this is another great collaboration between two great creators. It's dripping with atmosphere and danger, a pulpy rural noir, that is only getting started. 'Moonshine' is a no-brainer to add to your pull list. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Chris Tresson Sep 13, 2016

    It was a bit of a slow start but I think it's going to be special (I promise I haven't read #2 or #3 yet) and if you're a fan of the creative team, you won't want to miss it. Same goes if you're a fan of crime comics, it's well worth picking yourself a copy of the book up just to see what's going down. And here's my little bit, just in case Mr. Azzarello or Image want to quote me on a back cover or social media" Ahem: Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Matthew Strackbein Sep 13, 2016

    The story is moody and dark, and there's no shortage of bloody dismemberment, but that's all you should know going into it. You'll wish it wasn't over so quickly, but that's not because there's a lack of substance. In fact the world crafted in Moonshine, even in the just one issue, is so well-rounded you might mistake it for an adaptation of real life events"right up to the aforementioned supernatural bits, and then you remember it's a good ol' comic book. Moonshine packs a punch and is no doubt determined to deliver more of the goods with future installments. Powerful drama and shocking horror are woven together into a great premise and an even better story. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Doom Rocket - Brandy Dykhuizen Oct 7, 2016

    Despite the smooth, almost dream-like storytelling overall, there were a couple moments that stuck out like a wolf-bittenthumb. A raunchy comment stank rather pointlessly duringadiner sequence like coffee dregs left burning in the carafe. Later on, Lou Pirlo's interruption of an African American campfire sing-a-long seemed to pop up way out of left field, and included more than one depiction that could be confused with a popular racist caricature from another era. That last one ended the book on a bit of a weird note for me, but here's to hoping Mr. Azzarello will avoid taking the easierpaths found within period-set horror in the future. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Sep 20, 2016

    Moonshine #1 is a comic that's almost good. It has all the right ingredients to make it good–a decent setup with a supernatural element to it, a great setting that feels accurately captured, solid writing, and quite nice looking artwork. However, it doesn't feel all there. Its characters are just not interesting enough and the story comes across as if it's missing half of itself. As such, while it is tempting, I recommend waiting on Moonshine until its second issue comes out. Unless you are a huge fan of this creative team, there's no need to hurry to get this the moment it's released. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Multiversity Comics - Liam Budd Oct 10, 2016

    This book is no good, see. Lousy you hear. Read Full Review

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