Gunning For Hits #1

Writer: Jeff Rougvie Artist: Moritat Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: January 9, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 5
8.3Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

SERIES PREMIERE! Set in the shady New York City music scene of the mid-80s, GUNNING FOR HITS stars Martin Mills, a record company talent scout with an inscrutable past. Follow Martin as he attempts to sign a rock band that'll conquer the world in this music business crime thriller written by music producer JEFF ROUGVIE (David Bowie, Big Star) with art by MORITAT (The Spirit, Harley Quinn, Hellblazer). Plus: each issue will include a background feature and a Spotify playlist.

  • 10 - Megan Peters Jan 9, 2019

    Despite some extensive exposition into the recording industry, Gunning For Hits keeps fans engaged with its brisk wit, but the best comes at the end. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Jan 9, 2019

    This is a very promising start to a story that will seamlessly bleed over into a number of other formats. Its not difficult to imagine this story translating well with actors - on a glowing rectangle of some sort. Moritat has done a great job of delivering Rougvies inside-the-music-industry drama to the comic book page, punctuating a very promising debut. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comicsverse - Molly Barnewitz Jan 9, 2019

    Music producer Jeff Rougvie brings his knowledge and imagination to the comics world in Image Comics music thriller GUNNING FOR HITS #1. Moritat's artwork and Casey Silver's colors give Rougvie's work the crime noir/punk rock vibe it deserves! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Jan 9, 2019

    I like music as much as the next guy, maybe not at "muso" level. As such the correlations between the mediums are evident. This is further built upon as each issue of the series adds to a special Spotify playlist that looks to enhance the comic book experience. Whether it does, is up for debate; but it's a clever nod to show how comics and music can affect moods. However, even as "just a comic book" this issue, full of the dark things people will do to succeed, or the undertones of money being all that matters, makes for a compelling read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Brazen Bull - Dave Robbins Jan 8, 2019

    The story of a rock and roll band trying to make it big in the 80s is told with a couple of unsuspected twists that are quite original. The idea that a discussion of the negotiation tactics involved in signing a record contract could be the basis for a story, let alone a good one, I would have thought would be impossible, yet, here we are. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Major Spoilers - Stacy Baugher Jan 11, 2019

    To some the music of the Eighties is energy and joy, others rebellion and power. To promoter Martin Mills it is the almighty dollar and how much he can make. His latest discovery may be the next big thing, but can Mills survive the negotiations? Gunning For Hits #1 from Image Comics is on store shelves now! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Jan 11, 2019

    Jeff Rougvie's wealth of experience in the music industry and a strong mysterious backstory hook plus Moritat and Casey Silver's flexibility with the visuals make Gunning for Hits #1 a strong start to a series that is filled with both passion for the pure pop single as well as cynicism towards the whole soulless enterprise around it. It pairs well with “Ashes to Ashes”. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Mark Scott Jan 8, 2019

    A perfect first comic of the year for any music and gangster fans out there, and one thats already setting a high bar to jump over for the rest of 2019. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bookcase - Zack Quaintance Jan 8, 2019

    Writer Jeff Rougvie and artist Moritat spend the majority of Gunning for Hits #1 orienting readers within the depths of the music business. They also lay some groundwork for the crime aspects of their story, which have the potential to be equally as engaging. It remains to be seen whether this act will harmonize in a way that result in shrugs or chants for an encore, but there are some unique ingredients here that could make for a great comics story. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    AIPT - Forrest Hollingsworth Jan 8, 2019

    Full of interesting tidbits about the music industry, but carried away by a fixation with a character that is not part of the story (not yet at least) and way more fact than fiction, Gunning for Hits' first outing fails to inspire. Read Full Review

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